Clyde & Iggy

How Music has Impacted Clyde & Iggy's Lives
What type of music do Clyde & Iggy play?
Original and traditional interpretations of string music rooted in the New Orleans culture.
What song reminds you of home?
"Shoe Shine"
Where is home?
Who are some of your musical influences?
When thinking about it, considering how long we've been playing and the variety of genres we explored, there are way too many to list just some. How about good and creative string musicians.
What is one of the greatest music moments of your lives? A concert? Listening to a specific song in a particular place?
We know that we have had plenty of great musical moments but we forgot most of them, so the answer is "we don't know."
Why do you think music is so important to the people and culture of New Orleans?
The port city of N O has vacillated many diverse people and musical cultures through the years. A unique blend of music has developed and enriched our souls and penetrated our culture with a passion.
Allen Toussaint once stated, "Music is everything to me short of breathing. Music also has a role to lift you up - not to be escapist but to take you out of misery." With that being said, how has music gotten you through hard moments in your lives?
As a temporary, complete preoccupation of the mind but not to escape but to help the mind reset. Chilling out!!!
Music has often been described by many artists as a sort of time machine...what are your thoughts on this statement?
The "machine" is the genetic make-up of our minds and the music is spirited energy that we should embellish and transcend through time.
You recently were one of our headliners for the foundation's first ever Notes for Hope mental health benefit where you appeared on Fox 8 News and played a segment as well as played the opening spot at the benefit on the Lakefront Harbor. How do you feel about that contribution on your part?
Hopefully, it helped the cause and we will do it again if asked.
What are your thoughts on the musical impact and relationship with mental health?
Music is a natural source of grace embedded in our genes to be carried on from generation to generation. When we embrace this musical grace in any way our mind, soul and body feels better.
Favorite New Orleans Band/Artist?
The old combo of Dr. John with the Neville Brothers/Meters
Favorite song to cover?
The last cover song we worked on and started playing at gigs, so our favorite one changes every time we add a new cover song, which is often. Most all of the covers we pick thought come from the classic rock period.